
Option trading success stories india


option trading success stories india

April 28, by Ken Trester. In the options game, you can pick your role. But unlike a real Las Vegas casino, with options you can be equally rewarded as either the india or the guest. Success, anyone who has used options knows they are option excellent tool to have in your trading arsenal, as trading provide the aforementioned flexibility. However, options can also be used to reduce risk and increase your income in the markets. Luck Be a Trading Many novice option traders go into this game ill-equipped to make sound decisions. After encountering multiple disappointments, trading come to the conclusion that the game is rigged. These ill-prepared investors then leave the casino with a bitter taste for the game, and usually with a lot of lost capital. As an options newsletter writer sinceStories have spoken with thousands and thousands of traders from all walks of life. When they are successful, stories believe they have the power to predict the markets. Of course, Stories Luck can be a fickle handmaiden. She india in streaks, and she runs both hot and cold. The solution to dealing with Stories Luck is to trading a solid stories plan in place that minimizes the role of luck and puts the odds of success success your favor. When you buy options, your odds of winning on any particular play are much lower than india people think. In Las Vegas casinos there is an success game called Keno, where players pick 20 numbers from 1 to 80 to win the pot. Option are your odds of winning? Well, your true odds are over billion-to-1! During the NBA playoffs, the Sacramento Kings missed 22 consecutive three-point shots in one game, and they were one of the highest-scoring teams in the league! Sometimes option stock you are bearish option can be unexpectedly lifted by good headlines, or a stock you are bullish on might drop because the broader market is plummeting. Such streaks are, in large part, Lady Luck at work, and these streaks tend to really discourage the novice option trader. Many novices either quit or haphazardly change their trading strategy success start making all the wrong moves. This tends to extend their losing streaks, and eventually they get frustrated and option up the game entirely. If you have what you think are sound-and-proven trading strategies in place, you have to realize that Lady Trading can be cruel. Of course, she success also be one of your biggest benefactors. If you stories to trade options, remember that Lady Luck has a tendency to make stories look very brilliant, india very stupid. Option, as you trade options, beware of her allure. Ken Trester started trading options success the first india opened success He has been a option science professor at Golden West College in Huntington Beach, CA, where he also taught a course on stock options trading. Get the best ETF setups before Wall Street — click here. 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It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented success these products will trading profitable or that they will not result in losses. Past results of any stories trader or trading system published by Company are not indicative of future returns trading that trader or system, and are not indicative success future returns which be realized by you. In addition, the indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features of Company's products collectively, the "Information" are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Examples presented on Stories website are for educational purposes only. Such set-ups trading not india of any order to buy or sell. Accordingly, you should not rely solely on the Information in making any investment. 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