Average salary for stock trader

Average salary for stock trader

Posted: myscript Date of post: 05.07.2017

The basic job of a stock trader is to facilitate the sale of not only stocks but also bonds, commodities, securities and mutual funds.

Stock traders, also called stockbrokers, conduct trades between buyers and sellers and often advise clients on the desirability of different equities and commodities.

Applicants for entry-level stock trading positions should have a bachelor's degree in a field related to business or finance.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics groups stock traders under the job category, "Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents.

Stock traders in the Northeast tend to make the most money. It expects the number of jobs for securities, commodities and financial services sales agents to grow 15 percent between and That's slightly higher than the projected growth rate for all occupations.

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Many applicants are attracted to the high pay this profession offers, so there will likely be very strong competition for jobs. Skip to main content. Trader 4 [Stock Trader] Can I Get a Stock Trader License?

average salary for stock trader

Average Wage and Salary The Bureau of Labor Statistics groups stock traders under the job category, "Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents. Pay by Region Stock traders in the Northeast tend to make the most money.

average salary for stock trader

Job Outlook Although the U. References 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics: Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Employment and Wages, May - Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents.

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