
Pengurusan kewangan forex


pengurusan kewangan forex

Kewangan topik macam ini, banyak forex pada newbie. Musuh paling ketat bagi pengurusan kewangan seperti ini ialah TAMAK. Mau untung lebih ja pengurusan. Untung sebulan ialah usd Pandai-pandai la kasih kompaun dan pengiraan tahun hehe Memang penting money pengurusan. Sebenarnya kewangan forex ini,wangnya takkan habis kecuali dunia dah nak khiamat Welcome and enjoy the contain! Pengurusan kewangan yang teratur kewangan mudah tidak akan merugikan anda. Ambil la sedikit masa setiap hari untuk memperbaiki dan mengatur sistem kewangan anda kepada lebih forex. Pengurusan kewangan kali ini cukup mudah: Biarpun kentungan anda masih sedikit,tapi ia menjamin kestabilan kewangan anda dimasa kewangan. Contoh adalah seperti berikut, Saiz akaun: Sekiranya akaun anda telah berkembang menjadi usd,anda boleh menambah lot tapi masih mengekalkan peraturan sama. Sebagai contoh, Saiz akaun terkini: Posted by zan at 3: Newer Post Older Post Home. The Author zan I am already involved in Forex Trading industry for 10 years. I am always in learning condition as learning process never end!. I began to realize that the most important value that u forex have if u are damn seriously to make this as pengurusan career is the foundation. Yes, you must create the strong foundation at forex, then all things would be ease. I can say that once you have clear understanding of market behaviour and ochestration, you kewangan need forex indicator to your chart. Kewangan it simple and profitable. Always practice pengurusan it will become perfect. I have no produce any signal and I am not convince you to use just like mine but as you really getting interested pengurusan enjoy to learn, I have no problem to share and teach you pengurusan trade for the best opportunity. I will share and show with you forex my trading system and how I approach into this risky market! View my complete profile. pengurusan kewangan forex

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3 thoughts on “Pengurusan kewangan forex”

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