Runescape how to get 99 fletching and make money

Runescape how to get 99 fletching and make money

Posted: Taksasa Date of post: 21.07.2017

RuneScape members can train their fletching to extreme levels, hunting down ever rarer wood to turn into arrows and bows. The coveted rank of 99 in the skill will take a huge amount of time, a significant amount of money, or most likely a combination of both.

RuneScape Fletching and Ranging. Community Dashboard Random Article About Us Categories Recent Changes. Write an Article Request a New Article Answer a Request More Ideas Decide whether to chop or purchase supplies. If you're trying to make money or train your wood chopping skills, you can chop your own trees before fletching.

This can take an extremely long time, especially near the end when you're gathering yew and magic logs, but it is free apart from your time. For a much faster method, you can purchase the supplies from other players. Consider stringing the bows. Fletching a bow from a log gives exactly the same amount of experience as stringing that bow. Whether this is worthwhile to you depends on the cost of bow strings and your budget.

Consider a Sacred Clay Fletching knife. Visit the Gamer's Grotto and play the Stealing Creation minigame. When you have 20 points, you can purchase a Proto-Tool and transform it into a Sacred Clay Fletching knife, which requires 40 Fletching to use.

This doubles the rate of your EXP gain, but will fall apart after giving 24, bonus experience. Know where to chop wood. Find a location with at least two trees of the desired type, and a nearby bank for stashing your supplies. Here are some good options: A grove of normal trees stands right outside the gate, alongside two oak trees.

Chop willow trees southwest of Catherby. These are scattered throughout the grove, not far from the town. Chop maple trees in Seer's Village. These are conveniently located to the north and south of the bank, so you can easily store the items you gather.

runescape - How can I make money with 99 fletching? - Arqade

Chop yew trees north of Varrock palace. This will be slow unless you have at least 75 woodcutting. This will take a very long time, especially if you have less than 85 woodcutting. The trees nearest to a bank are located in Gnome Stronghold NW of bank and Draynor Earn money on webmoney S of bank.

Have your supplies ready. It's best to purchase or chop these in advance, or at least completely gather one type of logs before you begin fletching. If you are constantly switching back and forth between chopping and fletching, you'll waste a lot of time. Here's what you need to get all the way from 1 to 99, using the most common method: To get from Fletching 20 to 35you'll need oak forex lot size calculator formula or oak logs and bow strings.

To get from Fletching 35 to 50you'll need 1, willow logs or willow logs and bow strings. To get from Fletching 50 to 65 how to make money fast f2p, you'll need 6, maple logs or 3, maple logs and 3, bow strings. To get from Fletching 65 to 80you'll need 20, yew logs or 10, yew logs and 10, bow strings. To get from Fletching 80 to 90you'll need 38, magic logs or 19, magic logs and 19, bow strings.

See training, below, for cheaper options. To get from Fletching 90 to 99you'll need 70, elder logs or 35, elder logs and 35, bow strings. Whether this is worth it depends runescape how to get 99 fletching and make money your skill at Stealing Creation and the speed of your fletching setup. If you enjoy the minigame it may be worth it regardless, to avoid burnout from repetitive fletching.

Train your fletching to level Craft the following items to reach the listed level. Whenever a bow is listed, you can make them from logs, or string them: Make arrow shafts out of 78 normal logs.

Fletch or string shortbows. As with any bow, you can reduce this number by half to 77 if you both fletch and string the bow.

This is faster but more expensive. Create oak shortbows. Build oak shieldbows. Assemble willow shortbows.

Form 1, willow shieldbows. Construct 1, maple shortbows. Fabricate 4, maple shieldbows. Produce 4, yew shortbows.

runescape how to get 99 fletching and make money

Obtain 16, yew shieldbows. This step alone will take about 10 hours of fletching, 6.

Make the last push to level Collect 15, magic shortbows. Or, as always, half this amount if you both fletch and string them. Secure 22, magic shieldbows. Glean 33, elder shortbows.

runescape how to get 99 fletching and make money

Hoard 36, elder shieldbows Cheaper, slower alternatives: Craft bolts and darts if you are very wealthy. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. If this question or a similar one is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Tips Set up presets for the materials you are using, so you can rapidly move stacks of logs, shortbows, and strings between your inventory and bank. A Seer's Headband, gained by doing the Seer's Village Achievement Diary, gives you two logs at once when woodcutting.

This should speed things up.

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Wearing it while talking to Geoffery in the Flax Field in Seer's Village will let you get free flax from him once a day, which you can turn into bowstrings. Some quests give Fletching experience, but these amounts are insignificant compared to the amount of EXP needed to reach Fletching Plug in headphones and listen to music, it may seem like less work. Things You'll Need RuneScape member account.

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