How much money does michelle obama earn

How much money does michelle obama earn

Posted: hesseCoah Date of post: 03.07.2017

Michelle Obama worked her way way through college compiling poorly written essays on racial discrimination. Now, she is talking to People Magazine about a tour she took recently as the First Lady of the United States at a Target store. Which is racism… or something:. Michelle Obama told one story that recently took place, even as she was first lady of the United States. Those kinds of things happen in life. She also said that her husband, Barack Obama, was asked to get coffee when he was wearing a tux.

The president told his own experiences. Via The Weekly Standard. What is shameful about this story is how detached Michelle Obama is from basic, polite gestures of civility. People in stores can be friendly, and now someone who made an unassuming request is now used by Michelle as the poster child for bigotry.

Please leave us a comment and tell us what you think. Sign up for Daily Features and more view example. Login to post a comment. Who in the nation of the United States of America serious believes that simply because an African American was elected twice to the Presidency that the systemic institutions of Bigotry and Racism would go away or abate….

As far as I am aware it is business as usual and getting worse with the state sanctioned murders of unarmed citizens of color by armed and ill trained and state protected members of law enforcement who hide behind fear as the excuse for murdering unarmed men, women, children…. If you feel so terrified you are in the wrong profession….

She carries a perpetual chip on her shoulder the size of Nebraska and will not hesitate to spew her attitude over anyone at any time—she is the archetypal mad-black-woman.

Those two are a sick sick couple and need to be gone ASAP—befor they find a way around the American people to start WWIII. She is a disgrace to the oval office. Nothing but a racist. After they leave the white house they can star in the remake of the Planet of the Apes. They have the world laughing at us, partially because they think we actually voted for them in the two previous rigged elections, and partly because they both obviously have trouble remembering what day it is… And I find it oddly laughable that both have neither the intelligence or manners to understand why people hate and despise them—they simply have no clue how stupid they look and sound to actual educated people which sadly since the US is now the second stupidest country on the planet entails most of the rest of all mankind.

Many people, mainly the hateful media, dislike Trump but realistically speaking having these two degenerates in the WH for 8 miserable years has caused the country to need someone like Trump to come along and clean up the donkey droppings these people leave behind.

Yes because whenever I see the president of the united states or the first lady, my immediate thought is whether or not they can get the Cheetos off the top shelf. A message to our First Lady: You are the racist in my eyes.

Michelle has no class at all, she is so rude. I thought he was giving me the car. The US has gone far too long without a real leader. Ok I agree she did not tell the story indicating it to be racist. But either way I beleive her and her husband along with a few others are responsible for the current racial problems we have. I guess what makes me the maddest is that the weak confess does not have the integrity to do what the majority of U. I am surprised they recognized her in Target, she actually had on sleeves.

Please get out of OUR house and take all your sleeveless stuff with you. They are disgustingly classless regardless of the color of their skin. It appears that many of you that have left negative comments are so caught up in the Fox news bubble that you are unable to comprehend the narrative of the story.

As Lisa pointed out, no where in the article did Michelle suggest that the lady was a racist. She just shared her experience. I dont see her asking white people for anything or white friends. The Baracks are the racists. There is nothing racist about asking a taller person to reach to a shelf higher than is possible.

Obama had any actual class she would have offered to do this rather than the other person who was likely struggling anyway to do it instead. Obungo get the man coffee like he was told to? One way or another!

Wow, again with the terrible stories. This story is nearly half a year old…… Come up with something of your own. Quit poaching news from other sites. I do not think it is very professional or mature of the first lady to be speaking in these terms in the first place. People who stand in such high positions usually are very discrete and do not speak of such insignificant matters in public.

Every one has had some kind of a bad experience in their lives and most simply carry on with their lives. You seem to forget this is QUEEN Michelle and NOBODY is suppose to ask HER to do anything…. I am a short lady at 5 foot 1 inch. I am also 62 and should not be climbing on the shelves to reach things like I used to when I was younger. I think it is terrible if Michelle Obama thought it to be racist to be asked to help another human who was unable to reach something.

Has she no compassion for fellow Americans? Geez, I guess I will have to continue climbing the shelves so that I do not offend someone. Because I have to be thrifty, it happens pretty often. So, I just do not understand, I guess… This so called woman, is asked to help someone out, which people do daily at grocery storesand she is complaining about someone asking her for help?

To top it off, she is calling it Racism!? Is she just retarded, or is she just so damn full of herself that she thinks she is above the normal citizens of the United States? Does she think we should kiss her ass, or worship her as she walks down the isle? Seriously, this woman and her husband are completely insane, and narcissistic. Where is the education level in these comments? But of course minimal education at its best prevails in most of these silly simple minded comments!

Reginna, your writing gives me a headache. Go back to school, and study how to write proper sentences. Your calling others names, and yet, look at yourself! The Obamas are slob moochers! Why ever ask them for anything anyway. The example they project is pompous and arrogance. Why ever do we need them for anything? Apparently Michelle Obama is not used to anyone thinking she looked like a nice lady, someone who would be wiling to help a shorter person.

It is not an uncommon thing to have happen. Michelle was free to tell that lady who asked for help that she was the First Lady and felt it was both racist and beneath her to help a white person.

And the story about barack obama being insulted because he was mistaken for a valet is disgusting. Obama ASSUMED with his tiny Al Sharpton mentality that if a black man is mistaken for a valet it can be nothing else but a racist matter. I would like to inform Mr. Obama that — GUESS WHAT? People of all races are valets.

I use valet parking at a hospital a lot and I have rarely get a black valet. The valets are Hispanic, White or Asian and some of them are black. I just may accidentally mistake a black young man for a valet, but I would be just as apt to mistake some other race as well.

Most valets that I see do have one common denomination and it is not race, it is age. So many are very young and appear to be in college and maybe making extra money parking cars. MR OBAMA, IT IS NOT A RACIAL MATTER. ENOUGH ALREADY OF THE GOING BACK TO SLAVERY. What do you think this article is doing? Articles like these are just as pathetic in their manipulation as the content they are based on. Just pointing out something I always find interesting.

Why do I read and participate in articles like this? I did not complain or respond in any way to the growing number of verbal assaults on white people. I can almost pinpoint the day I changed. One day I was in the grocery store and this young black woman came by wearing a T-shirt that had an image of a woman obviously white with bright platinum hair.

I dreamed I woke up a blonde. It was the straw that broke the camels back. I now respond in kind. I am not a racist and I resent being called one.

Racism had nothing to do with it. I always thank that person for being so nice to help me. So Michelle, get over it. You are not the Queen, and someone felt comfortable to ask you for help.

I just ask the first person I see who might be able to assist me. What but racism Affirmative Action got Michelle and Barrak in and through college, where none of their professors remember either of them, the few college writings BY them appear, at best, moronic, and no classmates seem to exist. Who sat in for them and who did their required work — and who paid?

Twitter Drags Michelle Obama for Her Unfriendly Facial Expressions

That she had a six-figure job she left for the WH, yet no one replaced her and no duties from her office were transferred to anyone else, and on what qualifications or history, pray tell, was Obama elected to the highest office our nations offers — except their race and abilities to recite a script written by someone else and read a Teleprompter? Who helped Syrian bag-man Antoin Rezko finance Obama and his education?

Obana, a Constitutional scholar? The most RACIST first lady ever!!! Short people ask me I am tall to get something off the top shelf for them often — is that racist??? Or maybe Michelle is racist? As the spouse of a white man who works at Target.

I find her comments about the event much more racist than someone asking someone else for help. Target employees are hard working, underpaid men and women who work hard for their paycheck and are under appreciated especially at this this time of the year. This is just so ridiculous, it does not really deserve comment but I am going to take the bate anyway! All my life, at some point, I have had to ask for help from someone, I never looked to see if they were, white, black or brown.

The second point I would like to make is that it is only good manners and good cultural up- bringing to offer to help someone that you see in need. All of my life, I have helped anyone that I could. I did not see or ask what race they were, nor did I stop to consider the color of their skin.

Michelle Obama Staff Size and Salaries

Now that I am in a motor chair and disabled, being very independent all my life, I have had to depend on help a lot! Most people I have to say, immediately see my need and ask if they can help me, and most of the time, if I can do it myselfwith a smile, I tell them so, and thank them for offering. If I had been in Target and even known who she was, and there was not anyone else around that was tall enough to reach something I needed, I would have still asked her help!

I have friends of all races and some I love the best are black. We are all Americans and of the human race! That is where the rubber meets the road, Sister!

Every thing is racist. All she needed to do was help the person out. She needs to disappear. This story is a bunch of BS. Even if she did happen to be in Target, where were her secret service people?

How would anyone be able to get that close to her to even ask for help? I swear people do anything for a story and you people just fall right in line, never questioning the validity of the story. Just for the record I have never seen a woman with more class than First Lady Michelle.

She is the definition of what class really stands for. I am not surprised at all by her behavior and especially her husbands behavior!

As first lady, she should be the epitome of style, class and sophistication. Barrack should display leadership qualities.

She is NOT the Queen and he is NOT the king! This administration continues to stir the pot on racism! Their behavior is disgusting! He will not be happy until he has destroyed the United States of America! And he is well on his way too! Hereis the story from the night she was on Letterman: I thought I was undercover. I have to tell you something about this trip though. No one knew that was me because a woman actually walked up to me, right? I felt so good. Life is what you make it, if you want to use the color of your skin to demand things from other people and they say NO you want to call them RACIEST.

I my self had it hard in my time, married at 16 we had 3 children by the time I was I got a job 2 jobs 3 jobs all at one time to make ends meet, after all I was only At 25 years I had a opportunity to help a 3 year old boy out, he came from a broken home so my wife and I had adopt him.

Went from stock boy in the garment industry climbed the latter up to general manager to owner of my own business. Oh by the way did I tell you that in 5 months we will be married 66 YEARS So in all those years we grew up with Blacks, played with Blacks, worked with Blacks, party with Blacks. SO IF THERE IS RACIEST IN THIS COUNTRY I THINK IT COMES FROM SOME BLACKS. Michael is No lady but an imposter! Is everyone on here mentally insufficient? Obama was not complaining that someone asked her for help, her point was that the ONLY person to approach her was the woman that needed help.

And this article paints a whole different picture from what actually was said. Everyone needs to see the clip from this site, http: This request likely had a whole lot more to do with the first lady being TALL rather than black. The hater here seems to be the first lady — far too willing to believe the worst. Get a grip on reality, Mooch! How utterly ridiculous and classless of her. Nobody has called me racist for it, either yep, I even asked a black person now and then — because they were there and because they were taller — for no other reason.

Jot that one down on your list of makeovers!!! YEH, YOU NEED A SERIOUS MAKEOVER! Michelle Obama is the most miserable First Lady ever…. Time for her to grow the hell up…. My husband was tall and could always get things for me but he has passed away and I can never reach things, so I will always ask someone that is tall if they could please reach it for me and have never had a problem.

Where are the secret service??? If she really shopped at Target she would know that all the employees wear a red knit top and khaki pants! Gosh if were going to these stupid lengths then I should have reported an older gentleman who stopped me in the aisle in my grocery store and wanted to know if I knew where he could find the tapioca?

OMG just get over it.

Obama on Why Michelle Was a Working Mom (at $K Per Year): ‘We Didn't Have the Luxury for Her Not to Work’

Step out of the box and see how STUPID you people are!!! Short women often ask me to reach something they are struggling with. Too bad the Mrs Obama is too blinded by racism to see reality. The one with a chip on their shoulder here is the first lady rather than the person needing help. What a stupid B. She needs to go back and live the life as a homeless woman and maybe she would learn some respect.

Now she thinks she is Queen and she can do whatever she wants and do and everyone is to bow down to her and her family. The Obamas, along with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are among the most racist people in America, if not the world.

Do not have one ounce of empathy for them. They need to grow up. In order to keep a race war going you have to keep stoking the flames and that is what this is. The Obamas are sorry excuses for human beings and it was a sad day for this country when they reached the White House. I am White will be 76 in a couple of months and was in Wal-Marts with my 3 year old great- granddaughter in the buggy and a lady ask if I knew where the aspirins were did this degrade me as a person or make this lovely lady a racist?

The Obamas should get over themselves and realize how lucky and blessed their lives have been. I went to Target. I thought I was undercover! I have to tell you something about this trip tough. I was in the detergent aisle. Did she feel good about it in and on second thought realize she was offended by a racist woman, do not even know if the short woman was white, blackhispanic, oriental, she never said.

I can only guess what she will say when we kick their asses out of the White House next month. These old queens are mad that nobody recognized them, and oohed, and aahed over them. These old queens need to get the chip off their shoulders. I had no idea I was being insulted. If the First Lady actually made those comments then she like her husband should vacate the White House. I get so tired of the racial bull. To me the true racist are those that use racism as an excuse to cover up their lack of facts.

The moocher tries to act imperious. That miserable face always looks like a clenched fist of hate! Seeing her is like looking through a dirty window into a fithy room! I beleve all humans are one race-with vaying skintones within the human race. Wal-Mart does not like for you to resort to self help in getting things down off of high shelves, other stores may or may not-dont know.

But anyway I dont consider when someone with a different skintone than mine requests my help to be racist. Just courtesy and helpful as I am physically taller. I will keep my opinion as it makes more common sense than m. Soon it will be racist to breathe. I would have recognized the queen and still asked her for help. It makes as much sense as starving our students esp athletes.

There is a problem with obesity among children as well as adults. I say it starts with the adults. However if she tries to screw around with grocery stores interfering with what I can buy, there will be hell to pay. You just showed us your true color; race-baiter.

And what of Random Acts of Kindness, your Highness? He insults the troops that fight and die so he has the opportunity to, even though totally under-qualified, become POTUS. There is a reason God made some of us taller than others!! I do it whenever I am asked by a person of ANY skin color. I just do it!! LMAO … like I would ever hand any black man my car keys. WTF … is obama delusional as well as incompetent?

What the hell is wrong with that women? Wheredid she cry racist! You have some serious problems dude! What does her being a race baiter have to do with Laura Bush? Her and her husbands mindset and character seem to have fallen so far down the tubes, they no longer see what true love, caring, and respect for others is.

This proves that Mrs Obama is a racist herself. She assumed the other woman was treating her as a servant. A self fulfilling accusation. Michelle and Barack are public servants after all serving at whim of some misguided voters and the rest of the American public. Helping one of her constituent get something off the self should have been a privilege. Its not like someone asked her to select a watermelon for them. Personally when I can help someone I find it gratifying, but apparently not when you have placed yourself on a pedestal then you find it demeaning.

These are stories that could happen to anyone regardless of skin color, and would be more properly classified as stereotypical incidences, not racism. This for sure is making something out of nothing other than the FIRST LADY stirring the pot. There is noway that this could be racist. It seems to me that the FIRST FAMILY is pushing for disturbances in this country wanting people to get in the streets of America and destroy although we have worked for since the sixties.

Why else would they do this? It sounds as if the Mrs. Obambi is way too sensitive. My husband was in the grocery store the other day on one of the electric carts after having been in the hospital, and another customer asked him if he could get something on one of the lower shelves, because it was sitting further back on the shelf.

He went ahead and got the item for the customer without a fuss. Americans are becoming more and more pathetic with each generation. The entitlement mentality that poisons our country gives people the ability to blame anyone but themselves for their actions. Just pick a card, any card, and stick with it.

By card, I mean the race card, the feminist card, the gay card, the poor card, etc. Once you pick the card that best suits you, you then have a powerful weapon, alleviating you from all personal responsibility. This is something parents used to teach their kids not to do.

I am barely 5ft tall and I ask people all the time to help me reach stuff, man or woman….

Never had anyone refuse or act annoyed…. Actually I think they are pleased and feel good with themselves that they could help someone! I should have screamed the Race Card from the top of the store. I do not view it as being racist or sexist or any label, except maybe a label of being taller and binary options experts platinum being able to help another person!!

This is so ridiculous. La Maccaca has 17 taxpayer-paid assistants; no other first lady had anything like that. Eisenhower had one but she was paid out of the President salary. And all this time I never realized that I was a victim of racism! Thanks Moochelle for making me aware of that.

This could not even have happen. First off it is policy to lose down the store so she could shop. Secondly where was the Secret Service detail?

It is Secret Service policy to be in arms reach of the President and the first lady. Either they are lying or their Secret Service detail was off. Even so there is no way that this could happen even if they left them at home. This is just another excuse the Obamas use race to stir up people and make themselves look good.

Just a big lie! Obama was not recognized or not she was asked for help not to be perceived as a servant but as a human being being asked for assistance. Servant may not be a politically correct term these days. She is the First Lady and her husband is the President, they ARE in charge of serving Americans without any negative connotation. Police are civil servants and the Obamas are too as any other politician be they a Senator, Congressman, Alderman, Mayor or City Council member.

I do not think that the woman had any intention of offending fx trading signals and it was not malicious. Given what is going on these days in this country she needs to suck it up and set a good example.

When I was in England the protocol when meeting the King or Queen was to politely shake their extended hand! As a commoner you should not touch or talk unless addressed! That is not racism but common courtesy! We Americans have such a good work ethic that many British had complimented my team to remain until the job is done!

It is not racism if it is true. Just like it is not paranoia if they really are out to get you. Amazing how far this site can stretch things to claim racism. What can you expect from a ghetto raised Transsexual?

He is not even a female and ignorant trading signal forex automatic that! Both Obama and Michael need to be imprisoned! Then, a funny thing happened, I took the time to find her appearance on the Letterman show. Anyway, see for yourself if Michelle implied racism in any way. The notorious Target incident starts at 5: Why else would she bother to bring it up? She is mad because nobody recognized her and came up to her kissing her spacious butt.

I have news for her, many people did recognize her and stayed far away from her intentionally and it had nothing to do with her skin tone! Then to try and call it racism because someone actually asked her to help her reach something is not racism or bigotry or even prejudiced, is was simply one female asking another female to help her reach something she could not.

I asked another white guy tall if he would reach it for me. He was a older gentleman, does that make me a person that discriminates against older people? She is just like her husband, changes her story to match whatever it is she wants.

I have to wonder how many red lines she has drawn. I am NOT a fan of MO. I would have to have heard her tone of voice describing this interaction in order to decide. If I see someone struggling to betting shop assistant manager job description something off of a shelf or someone in one of those handicapped carts struggling i automatically see if I can help.

Human nature except when you are a narcissist who thinks you are better than the people paying your salary and for your excessive opulent vacations. It is such a damn shame that the first black family to occupy the White House had to be these paranoid whiners, when there are so many prominent blacks who could have spared us the embarrassment these trouble makers have brought upon us.

It has nothing to do with the pigment in your skin. I feel like looting. What a moron Chewbacca is. Wow she actually helped someone and did an honest days work for once. Most times, people who are shopping and you ask they will tell you where something is located in the store. Everything is racism with the Obamas! They will receive everything that they put out; karma will hit them smack in the face sooner rather than later! What is with the first couple? Is everything racist to them?

I see no racial comments were made in the article what is this country coming too. Barack Hussein Obama is the houseboy of his boss man. I am surprised that jackson, farrakan, and sharpton are not in Lumberton, N.

Michelle Obama's Staff -

It seems that this chicken farmer was on his rounds tending his chickens when he got a call from his wife. He found three people in and around his house. One fled in an auto upon being approached by the farmer. Two others were in his house and masked. One shot the farmer in the shoulder. Perchance he has his trusty blunderbuster and returned fire mortally wounding the intruder. The other masked intruder fled but was later captured. The farmer is recovering. Recently a 14 year old shot and mortally wounded someone entering his house through a window that he had smashed out.

The other intruder fled but was taken into custody later. Semper Fi and Good Night Chesty Puller Where Ever You Are!!!!!!!

When is this carte blanche race card going to expire?? What a steaming pile of crap! Michelle is so full of herself but she blames everything on racism. Her struggle through college with her less than average marks and essays are probably blamed on racism too. Get over yourself Michelle and try to behave more like Laura Bush — a class act. Come on Jeremiah… pulling the racist W card? NOTHING was said about her academic record. Besides, what you state is untrue and W got better grades than Bill Clinton.

Getting coffee is too demanding for him. His husband is a total disgrace, and they perpetuate the term racism, just as Oprah Winfrey does. America does have racism for sure, but most do not realise that: The term racist is an absolute misnomer, in that it is totally illogical, insensible and irrational! Nothing is racist if it is not intended to be racist. Everything is racist if it is intended to be racist.

Hate is not in words, its in intention. Laura Bush is not classy. She is stock broker job in malaysia up her husband during interviews how much money does michelle obama earn everybody can see that he is slowly losing it. I was ashamed for him. I, too, have encountered problems at stores. Once somebody mistook me for an employee and asked where something was.

In this day and time people need to be kind to one another regardless of race. Has Michelle complained about all the FREE vacations she and her family have taken at the taxpayers expense? She is a what is an eft in the stock market person with no style or grace.

The ugly faces she makes just show what a miserable person she is. I think she needs an attitude adjustment…. So a short person ask a tall person for help. The tall person is too good to help anyone. Just like her husband. That is what you get when people walk around with a huge chip on their shoulder and feel they are special.

Spoiled self centered brats. Wake up the world does not revolve around you. You get what you give. I dont believe it happened. The secret service isnt going to let anyone get close enough to this pig to ask her anything. The first lady is full of class! She was not wearing a Target uniform and should not have been interrupted during her shopping experience. She was simply minding her business. Noone is attacking your racist opinions.

The people who posted garbage in this discussion are the true classless racist!! Having someone ask you for help is not racist. It is a racist mindset that sees everything else as racist. I get asked all the time to help people reach the top shelf. I smile, and politely do it and move on my way. She feels entitled and was upset someone did not recognize her. Oh boo hoo poor Michelle Obama, lets make this insignificant occurrence a racial headline. She is making a mountain out of a mole hill and trading system of nepal stock exchange is every other african american that screams racism over every little thing.

There is racism, but not in abundance like the media is trying to portray. If there is any resentment towards African Americans by the white community it is because we are tired of being called racists by racists because you have a different skin color.

Get over yourself and reflect on the type of portrayal you want as an individual. Her story says nothing about the lady who asked a favor of her in Target. It speaks volumes, however, about her black bigotry, hatred, and racism against white people. Nothing is good enough for her—even living in the White House. I am not sure what to say. No matter what you say it will get twisted, misinterpreted and perceived in a way that it benefits the ones yelling the loudest about discrimination. As far as Mr.

With regards to Mrs. Obama, was she upset because no one recognized her? This horribly ugly witch should have been proud that someone asked her to get something off the shelf. It meant they could actually stand do look at her. She and her husband are the scum of the earth and I turn the TV off if either of them is binary options taxable in the uk. They cant help how they look but they could stay at home.

The Onamas are the biggest racist there ever was. And she needs some class to even work for a 1st Lady. I would like to know how tall the customer is. If the customer is perfectly capable of reaching the item, then it may possibly be racism. I heard a good term today…. They go through life viewing every interaction a some sort of slight against them. Like thanks Michael your real nice.

how much money does michelle obama earn

Maybe the vertically challenged woman will want to complain about it? When people see racism in something like this the person either has mental problems or an agenda. Or is it that they are pooping themselves a lot?

Might be the second one?? I helped a little old lady get some site stock market liver out of a freezer because binary option 60 sekund door handle was broken and she fell back into the scooter she was riding.

She was white, and so am I, but I was close and walking. A woman asked me to help take something off a high shelf at a retail store just last week. Not the first time it has happened to me, either. Those needing help have been white or latina or black. Michelle, get a grip! Do your homework and we will be a much better country for it.

Anybody can make a mistake. Assuming everyone in this country knows you on sight is not a given for anyone. I wonder who pays for all her clothes, the taxpayer, or they themselves? The money train is going to end in two years nevertheless. I find her attitude very offensive. Why does this woman think she is better than anybody else?

Did it kill her? Why be so negative and racist? Should I have called the other woman racist for asking me to help her out? How can she even have the nerve to come out in public and tell this story? This is the biggest laugh of the day. I wonder even if this story is even true, and is just pulling the race card. She actually shops in Target amongst us lowlife whites?

I have many times mistaken shoppers for store clerks, and I was never called a racist. This is total unbelievable b. I wonder if the woman who made the request had to bow down and kiss her feet before she considered helping her?

What a classless, snobby attitude. And we elected these people? Who the hell voted for them? What was her point of going to Target? To prove racism is alive and well by someone asking her for her help? Long live Laura Bush!

People who would not hesitate to help you! Good gawd, her bootie must be HUGE! Dumb negress… I get asked to fetch stuff from on high, occasionally, by short people… It makes me feel superior, as I drop it on their heads… not really… I usually just hand it to them. I never seem to be able to find a dwarf to read the price tags at floor level, though.

I was at a restaurant in Gainesville when an older couple came in and told me that they were just going to sit over there and wait for the rest of their group. I just smiled at them and said it was fine. Now this was a nice older white dubai forex expo 2014 but that was ok with me because even I do that sometimes.

When did it become racist to ask someone tall to get something for you on a high shelf? If the person asking her for help was black, would that be racist also? She exchange rate in pakistan karachi today lost touch with reality. They are President and First Lady.

What more do they want? They dishonor their ancestors suffering by claiming it as their own. They have raised more racial tension than any president in my lifetime. I just pray we can recover when his time if finally up!

I voted for him his first term only to discover he was Not what he proclaimed to be. Liberals and King and Queen Obama are why there are race riots in America right now and the biggest racial divide in generations! She thought how to buy shares in norwich city football club was to good to be there and she looks down on normal people and its that simple!

As usual, best money making members runescape Caucasian population refuses to acknowledge racism in America. White privilege has them blinded because white privilege is the norm for them. It has always been a part of their lives. You people are making a mountain out of a mole hill. She is the most beautiful FLOTUS since Jackie and just as classy.

By the way, Jackie O also had black blood. This is so sad that ignorance is a bliss! First off those the are wishing death on someone be very careful and mindful of the words you speak out your mouth. It can be a curse upon your own life. Lean not to your own understanding. I love Michelle Obama! How many times in life have you spoken something and someone turned everything you said that was meant for good as evil.

Read comprehend and understand…. Which is racism… or something: They left off correct punctuation! Everything happens for a reason…. I myself do this all the time. No matter their race or gender! At 5ft 9 in she should be glad about reaching things herself.

Oh but to have a very classy like Laura Bush back in the white house. No one would have recognized her for the first lady, seriously, white, black, or green…. At 4 feet 10 inches tall, half of everything in stores is placed unreachable by those of us who are vertically impaired thank you Sally for posting and expanding my knowledge To all of you wonderful people — Thank you Thank you, lots of holiday hugs and God Bless to all those who help.

Accentuate the positive and stay as happy as you can. You can take Michelle out of the Ghetto, but you cannot take the Ghetto out of Michelle. They are the ones who have caused people to become racist when they had not been so before. I would rather meet someone with class. Really, but its OK for Valarie Jarrett to ask a 4 star General in full military uniform to fetch her a glass of wine. Whom by the way will most likely be the next Mrs.

Obama one he leaves office. Come on come on………Michelle you should be ashamed. We were told that your agents cleared the entire Walmart and you were doing this for photo up. People ask other customers for assistance like that essays on the stock market game the time. I cannot even guess the number of times I have helped little old frail ladies load something heavy into their buggy or help a shorter person get something from a higher shelf and I was a customer too.

Why has no one commented on the person who handed the President the keys to their car??? But, Michelle is absolutely in the wrong for calling her experience racists. All you have to do is walk into any high school cafeteria and you will see birds of a feather flock together. If you are selecting someone of your own race for a position over someone of a different race its called favoritism, not racism. Hating other racist is a bigot.

Therefore paid actors to play the roles in front of the cameras that create a left right paradigm. This is rolled out whenever they need to stir the melting pot a little and pakistan dollar exchange rates more sales. They know the hot buttons of society and are more than willing to push them and cause the people to react to the fiction they believe is reality.

That fiction that is believed generates a false sense of reality and that then breeds an unjust perception of people they assume fit the roles they see on the TV. Those types come in all shapes, sizes and colors and yes, that makes me a bigot look the definition up but everyone is a bigot about something in their belief system. So to sum it all up Miss O is simply an actor that is being paid by the owners of Target to push an agenda of segregation that the media networks knows breeds discontent and therefore makes people act out and act a fool which for them boils down to profit.

Stop letting the media push your buttons and understand they are only there to make profit they are not there to inform you or to make you have a better understanding of reality because that would mean they would eventually go out of business. Unless there are cameras following her around who would expect the 1st Lady to be shopping at walmart. Good grief she is crazy as a bat. Michelle needs to get over itself! I have helped different nationalities. I have had black ladies ask me to help them, or I did it without being asked!

If People magazine publish that as anything other than a cartoon or joke, they should be ashamed. I will ask anyone, child, adult, black, white, Asian, or whatever you are, as long as you are tall enough to reach what I am wanting. That has NOTHING to do with race. It makes them look picked on. Like they need us to feel sorry for them. Where was the connection to those poor people??

Between the President and the news, racism will live forever and always be strong. Are you kidding me? She managed binary option trading so outrageously ignorant and selfish…. Instead of looking at herself as an Empress, perhaps she should try being a human being.

She REALLY needs to get over herself. How in hell is that racist? For Michelle to have this attitude about herself is just shameful. I mean what is wrong with the act of helping someone or someone asking for help? I pray for the opportunity to be a blessing everywhere I go. She just hates any American. She is nothing…not any better than anyone else. She is not a queen, but should be grateful in all the things that forex demo account for blackberry the American taxpayers have given her and her family.

This has nothing to ftse 100 index future trading hours with racism. These people have brought their own race to bear, in complaining about being a servant…but servitude is the position of the office in our country….

WELCOME TO AMERICA, where things are, were, and shall be definitely done differently…. Ahh, I am too good to help someone? Of course I can! By all means let me help you! There are a lot of people who resemble other people so who would have thought that the first lady would be shopping in Target to begin with??? I too am vertically challenged and have asked for help reaching things on high shelves.

Obama continually plays his Race Card, his accusation of Racism, and then screams that we owe, and must pay, and must worship. But the problem is more than Obama. You better pay attention to God, Preachers.

It is better to pay God. During the times of blood moons, it is not God and Jesus, but, rather, the devil, himself, who is chopping the heads from little kids. There is reason to speak of the matter for the battle is spiritual, and we must fight fire with fire. We see The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, and a talking head of MSNBC and CNN. And a bonified, national audience for him, even.

And anyone who follows the Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, will follow him to hell. According to market capitalization of nse listed companies word of God.

But did israeli firms listed on nasdaq mention that you distrusted the MSM? That it is co-opted by the New World Order? That the MSM continually spins the stories, and twists the facts, and reports selectively?

Ask them about the Knockout Game that they will not mention. Or one-sided hate laws. Do you say that they continually lie? It is worse than you thought. And if anything bad might happen now that the devil is broadcasting, and speaking to the national audience, and seeking ever more control. Ask him about Political Correctness, the control of Speech and concomitant thought and action, and forced adherence to the the decrees and pronouncements of the New World Order.

Ask the politicized, demonized IRS who claims they can invade the Spirit-filled churches to monitor the sermons. Ask them if they plan to invade the Muslim mosques. Satan is the father of lies. And it a familiar ploy, and it is a general truth, and a hallmark of satan, that despite the plethora of empirical evidence, the proof which refutes his argument, he will still lie, even if you know he is lying.

Even if he knows that you know that he knows that you know, even if it is perfectly clear to all that he is lying, he will still lie. With utterly no chagrin. And the more you disbelieve him, the more forcefully he will scream the lie. Hoping you will believe him, if he screams it loudly enough. And you can ask Obama about it.

Or, for a fine example of the phenomenon, ask the witch about it, Gina McCarthy, Head of the EPA. The devil uses his familiar ploy to advance his Global Warming arguments today. And Gina McCarthy has no verifiable data, or why would she not show her data? And, indeed, the empirical evidence refutes her contention. But, rather, that the Congressmen will suffer election fights if they would be rogue, and not assimilate with the group, going along to get along. And if they will not be willing to endcoal jobs.

Liberals, those who have rejected the word of God, and God, Himself, are blinded by satan. And they will accept his lies, even if they know his arguments to be lies. And they are anxious to serve their master, and will scream his lies, not caring for the lives of others, and so blinded they will not even care for their own lives.

He decreed that variation does not exist, and that there are no differences among the races, and that there is only one world-race of people.

The devil decreed that the contention of difference and inherent superiorities among the traits, by definition, Racism, was disallowed.

But then he also decreed that since one would be racist if he would not reject superiority, that he must also be racist if he will not accept the mutually exclusive category, inferiority, and that one will be deemed racist if he will not agree that he owes and must pay, and that, in general, one must denigrate himself, and his sex, and his country, and his God, and must apologize.

Know that the devil, and his servants, hate all that is of God, and that a hallmark of the devil is that the guilty accuse the innocent. Did you wonder where the Knockout Game came from? Michael Brown did not raise his hands, and that was part of the problem. Know that the devil wishes to tear you down psychologically, and simultaneously wishes to embolden the Godless horde.

He wishes to starve his enemies, and feed his servants. He has trinkets and beads for those who do his will, and propagate his lies. And the unemployment line, and the club, for those who develop a conscious and stand against him. You can ask those who work in the MSM about it. But the same advice as always: Do not pay attention to the servants of satan, as you would not wish to pay attention to satan, himself.

And, also, that man is not above creation, but subservient to Creation, and of less value than Creation, and that population should be controlled for the sake of the Creation that is not maintained by a God that does not exist, anyway. The devil is a continual liar and his pronouncements and decrees always contradict the word of God which is the truth. The devil hates the word of God and must flee from it, and it is the word of God which will reveal the lies and the ploys of the devil.

And lies always have an ulterior motive. The part of the story the shyster-salesman forgot to mention. Ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, about it. The devil will destroy all that he touches, and would destroy Creation and all who are in Creation, if he would not be stopped. He says that white people, and in particular, white Americans, owe all the rest of the non-white world.

Ask The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, who it is that owes, who can be racist. Or ask the illegals from one-hundred and fifty countries, as Obama gives to them the free, plane ticket to the resort in Hawaii. Or the provision of Free Speech from the Constitution.

Ask Michelle Obama about the school lunches, and the way you shop. But there are no stipulations on what is owed, or for how long, and he who accepts The Decree, that he owes and must pay, owes anything and everything, forever. The Race Card, the accusation of Racism, is always a demand for payment. The Godless horde, and the devil, himself, solely determine what the debtor is charged and they owe nothing in return.

He who agrees that he owes, owes anything and everything, forever; including, love, likes, approval, Great solicitation of the will, and wishes and feelings of the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, such that one is never allowed to criticize, and can only offer praise, if he would be allowed to speak at all, and praise as he is killed, and worship as he is murdered, and his country, his life, and his soul.

And the debt can never be settled, not even in hell. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things.

I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. He did not want John—AND HIMSELF—to go to hell. Another angel made that mistake. His name is satan. He still wishes for worship today. For his Godless horde, and himself, and it is written he would wish to rise above God, to be worshipped as God. The caricature, the buffoon, the lover of money, the traitor, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, stands with his Muslim allies, and against us, and America, and God, and has the unmitigated gall to tell you what your rights are, and what you are allowed to say, and he plays his Race Card, his accusation of Racism, accusing you of Racism, and says it is racist for white people to speak of matters of Race.

No matter how many die in the Knockout Games. In America or the Middle East. And as he chuckles at the one-sided hate laws, and those who die in the Knockout Games, he presents his Race Card, and he expects to be paid.

And so, he, and the devil, would wish to quell discussion—and consideration—of the ploy the devil would use to drag all of humanity into hell with him, deceiving them, and causing them to worship the Godless horde and him. God says those who pay—AND those who receive—are going to hell.

And the MSM has provided the platform from which he is broadcast to the national audience. It is written the devil would wish to rise above God, to be worshipped as God:.

You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! But did the shyster salesman forget to tell you about that part of the story? When he told you that you do not have the right to speak of the matter.

Hoping to quell consideration. Ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, about deception. According to the word of God, any who follow The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, will follow him to hell.

Those who pay, and those who recieve. The servants of satan agree with The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, the white liberals, and those who receive, those who have rejected the word of God, and God, Himself, and who are blinded by satan, screaming his arguments, furiously flinging their Race Cards at anyone who will not agree that he owes and must pay.

And you must pay! For you will be racist if you will not pay! And you cannot be racist! The vaunted Illuminati woman, Oprah, who denies Christ, who says with Obama that all the racist whites need to die, says it is racism to criticize Obama, that one cannot do so, and that you would only do so because he is black. You cannot criticize Obama? He who is cursed by God? And you can only praise him, if you would be allowed to speak at all? Do you contend that you are the servant of our God?

Or do you admit that you whore after the gods of Racism and the New World Order, who are satan, himself? I do not HAVE to like Obama BECAUSE he is black. I do not HAVE to like him at all, he who is cursed by God. I do not owe him.

Agape Love is the love of God and Jesus, such that they could not stand that humanity would go to hell, and Jesus stood forth, and stood in the gap, and gave his life so that humanity would not go to hell.

And it is not Agape Love to pay to another anything and everything, forever, so that both of you WILL GO TO HELL! But I cannot criticize Obama, you say? Such that I am only allowed to praise him, if I would be allowed to speak at all? And play the Knockout Games. It is written 2 Thessalonians 2: You can ask the vaunted Illuminati woman, Oprah, or The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, or Obama. Or you can ask The Reverend of the God of Racism, Al Sharpton about the Great Falling Away, of those in the church, and who leads the flock astray, and leads them to hell.

Ask Joel Osteen about it. Ask the Pope about it.

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Ask The Teacher of the Year, formerly of the Duncanville High School in Texas, as she says white people cannot speak of the Ferguson rioters, so that you are only allowed to praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all.

Again, as they burn and pillage. Praising as you are killed? Worshipping as you are murdered? Crying piteously as you limp barefooted and whimpering across the broken glass and broken concrete of your burned cities, jostled along to your deaths by the Godless horde, unable to mention the matter?

Again, it must be said. Jesus paid the price so that we owe no man or god. He is the epitome of political incorrectness.

He could not be bought satan triedand threats were useless against him ask Pilate, or Herod, or the Pharisees. He who gives the Great Commission would not pay His right to speak, and He will not understand those who do so. And our jealous God did not create us debtors to the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, owing them what God requires for Himself, and He will not understand that you paid love, and likes, and approval, Great Consideration for, and Great Solicitation of, the will, and wishes, and feelings of the Godless horde and the devil, himself, and praise, tithes and worship, such that you must never criticize them, and must only praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all, even as the cities burn and you are murdered!

But it is also written that a lake of fire is prepared for cowards, and that the unprofitable servant will be cast into outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. God says do not fear these others.

God says fear He who can destroy the body—and the soul—in hell. God says fear God. God says you do not owe. God says you will not pay. God says you will not worship them. Or just look around. As Obama sacks and gives your country to all the world.

The devil can take your country, and your life, if you will agree that you owe, and must pay, the Godless horde, and him, anything and everything, forever. He can make your worship the Godless horde, and him. He can take your soul.

Is it not written that was his goal from the Garden of Eden? The devil knows psychology and how to destroy a people, and a country.

How long will he remain, the coach who continually derides his team, and screams at them to apologize for themselves. How many games will they win? And how long will the country, and the people, remain, who pay attention to such? And it is the devil who will finally stand before you, proffering the rope, or the pistol, and screaming that you must pay your life, that you must commit suicide.

God is not looking for those who wish to die for Him. God is looking for those who wish to LIVE for Him! God requires the Israelis, His Chosen People, to wish for their lives, and to fight for their survival. He will require no less of us, and of America and Texas. God DEMANDS that we wish for our lives, and the for the lives of Texas and America.

God DEMANDS that we fight for our survival. It is satan, himself, who wishes to rise, and who is the real enemy.

And it is foretold that he would wish to rise. And that he wishes for worship. We must attack the source. And it is a spiritual battle. We must attack with the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and we must rely on God.

And we must worship no other. The lovers of money, Obama, and The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, and the entire Godless horde, including satan, himself, are enabled and empowered by worship. By those who scream they are not racist! Who continually jump through the hoops. Owing and paying anything and everything that is asked, praise, tithes, and worship, and even their country, their lives, and their souls, anything and everything, forever.

Jesus Christ was the word made flesh among us. He came to destroy the works of the devil, which are the lies and ploys the devil uses to deceive and take people to hell. And afoot is the ploy the devil would use to make all of humanity worship, or be worshipped, the ploy that he uses to accomplish his goal from the Garden of Eden, to garner worship for the Godless horde. Get a life, you stupid witch! You are tall, the requester was not.

Give me a break!! This racial nonsense has gone too far…get over yourselves and get a job! These two idiots really have the pulse of America. Go to Kenya and get a real job. Oh I forgot you have the unearned income for life from the racist. I was ask by a little lady if I could help her reach something off of a shelf and she was black!!

Get real it is called helping another human being! And demands for apologies. But the devil hates that of God, and it is a hallmark that the guilty accuse the innocent.

And we have the lies and ploys of the devil, his efforts to embolden his servants, and tear down psychologically his enemies, those who are of God. Does she mean I dare not to ask a black person for help?

Muuuuchelle has zero class. She also sounds like a race baiter. Michelle Obama clearly looks to be offended, and lo and behold she gets what she is seeking a self fulfilling prophecy. Shows where her heart is, to look and find fault at every level, never seeking good, her and her husband live in the white house and yet she must still look for fault instead of the blessings.

I would be happy if we just had a first lady and a first husband to go with her instead of the two losers that we are stuck with! You are hurting our country. If I am shopping in Target some older woman or shorter woman may ask me to help her simply because we are a kind society.

You are making what is good bad. Mistakes happen to all of us. You are trying to politicize a systemic racism problem in the USA when we DO NOT have one. Watch and forward this video everywhere. They probably even said thank you. Many of us have been asked to grab something that was out of reach for fellow shoppers, or even offered to help out of the kindness of our own hearts, when we see someone struggling to get something, beyond the grasp of someone…no matter what their race, or social standing, or age.

It is simply the right, kind, and human thing to do. She thinks everyone loves her and worships her and her husband. The person who asked for help was probably white, as well. That alone cries racism in their world. Being white is racist! How dare we be of a different color! I guess the tables are turning. Like I said earlier, without Secret Service in tow, how was anyone to know the difference?

Second, how can Michele possibly know what another person is thinking or how they feel when her one and only encounter with her was at Target? I think her going to People Magazine because she was so outraged. If it had been a. I am not a black man or woman and Ive gone out of my way to help elderly or handicapped black men and women to get stuff off high shelves…whites and hispanics as well.

Maybe Im a reverse racist? I guess it is ok though because I am white. At my place of work, I carry my ID badge on a lanyard around my neck. At some instances I have been asked if I needed their help in reaching something. What is the big deal? Who cares what Michele Obama thinks anyway? Did you ever read her college thesis? So who is the two-faced racist here? Jackie Kennedy was classy. Helping someone reach in a store is totally innocent and appropriate.

She should feel good about helping someone. No one would expect to see a First Lady who is a notorious profligate spender shopping in Target, Aft er all! Where were her Secret Service Guard after all?

The woman needed help and she asked a tall person for assistance, that is not racism. I do have a question, did the mooch help the woman? First ladies should be beyond that! Beyond that him and his husband B.

Hassan obummer just look out for these things. They want a race war in America to allow the Muslims to come in and take over.

We elected a joke! Laura Bush is one Classy lady and We miss her. Give me a break…I am five feet tall and sometimes things I want are on the top shelf…Even though I have been known to climb the shelf when no one is around…If I see someone taller than me.

I would do the same: Sharon, I agree with you! I just look around for someone who is tall enough to help — sometimes black, sometimes white. Michelle, do the world a favor: I was taught to help someone when I can. I saw a woman in a wheel chair try to get something out of the cooler case in a store. I asked what she was wanting and I got it for her. It was just what you should do.

In an assisted living facilty. After a while, their was a knock on the door. So I ended up helping a woman who was helping my Uncle. We need to apply the Golden Rule people.

Not the racist mantra from anyone! We had a good laugh and both left the store happier. How is asking someone to get something off the shelf that they cant reach is Racism give me a break. I have never heard such bull in my life. Why would she even say something like that. Maybe to keep the race wars going? This woman and her husband are a joke.

Sometimes people actually need help. Does being the First Lady mean you are above helping others? I miss kindness like Laura Bush gave. It makes me feel good that I can help someone. I pick up merchandise that people drop on the floor and put it back where it belongs. I watch other people walk right by it. Did you know she is really a man? His name is Michael Green and he had it changed to Michelle in Look at the bulge in his crouch every time he wears a gown.

And, where did you ever see a woman with shoulders like that? Michelle Obama Appears at Apple Conference, Rips President Trump. Subscribe Keep in touch! Subscribe Sign up for Daily Features and more view example. Join the Discussion Cancel reply Login to post a comment.

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